Tuesday 10 March 2020

Good day to all! 
Regret to say that, I may no longer be able to continue my primary and the only profession  I have taken up and holding a present position as Mercantile Marine Chief Engineer. With respect to my country (India)and it's systems, I still am not sure whether I failed my profession or I was victimised by the system.  I am in dire straits and, earnestly working to earn a living by writing, serious stuff, in a lighter way, and I have chosen the blog tothebestofmyknowledge.co.uk to pursue this objective. So, I am leaving this blog inactive for the time being; but beware, may it will be just another dormant volcano.
Thanks and best regards,
George A P.

Monday 12 August 2019

Good day all! Under construction and endeavouring to launch it at the earliest. Best regards, George A P.
PS. Title credit to Olivia A Isil, Thanks..